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dedicated to the
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of British foodways.


Marmalade sandwiches.

The bittersweet taste of marmalade makes a sturdy spine for savory sandwiches, as C. Anne Wilson explains in The Book of Marmalade . Wilson does not say so, because when she wrote the first edition of The Book back in 1999 British readers would have taken it for granted, but her suggestions envision little crustless sandwiches with thin layers of filling.


        -Orange marmalade and sharp Cheddar may be the best; shred the cheese to release its flavor. Blue cheeses, including Stichelton, the Editor’s favorite, work too.

        -Lime (or orange) marmalade with curly parsley; get rid of all stem. If you like mint, use it in place of the parsley.

        -Orange marmalade with shredded lettuce and chopped walnut; the reviled iceberg variety with its clean crunch is best for this.

        -Any marmalade with cream cheese or, better, crème fraiche.

        -Orange marmalade with thinnest slices of turkey; think cranberry sauce.

        -If you like that sort of thing, either banana or peanut butter or both can accompany your marmalade between the bread.