The online magazine
dedicated to the
discussion & revival
of British foodways.


Fast potted ham with piccalilli.

This recipe relies on an unlikely Thing We Like, Underwood Devilled ham. You could go to the trouble of grinding your own ham but the effort will not improve the result. This twist on traditional potted ham is good for eating with toast or for spreading within sandwiches.



  • a 4¼ oz can of Underwood Devilled Ham
  • about 1½ Tablespoons piccalilli
  • about 2 Tablespoons unsalted butter
  • pepper
  • perhaps a jolt of hot sauce




Dump all the ingredients in a food processor and blast to a smooth paste.


-Underwood corned beef also makes a good piccalilli pot.

-Fortnum & Mason makes the best piccalilli available on the planet. Heinz UK and Crosse & Blackwell each makes a good one.

-Underwood also makes a lesser known product less widely available than devilled ham. Their beef spread provides a competent foundation for a fast potted beef with horseradish . Dump a 4½ oz can of the beef in a blender or food processor with the same 2 Tablespoons of butter as the main recipe but substitute horseradish cream sauce for the piccalilli. Blast the ingredients to a paste and let the potted beef steep for a few days to develop its flavor. Boar’s Head makes a good commercial horseradish cream or make your own by beating together some horseradish packed in vinegar with heavy whipping cream in whatever proportion you prefer.

-The omission of salt is not an oversight: Underwood products are salty.