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of British foodways.


Green butter

Green butter from the eighteenth century Tyneham manuscript reproduced in Devon Dishes amounts to a classic compound butter suitable for steaks, chops of lamb or pork, and any finfish in addition to the toast that the recipe cites. Sublime.


“Take 2 oz. Butter, 2 oz [sic] Anchovies, a Handful of Parsley. Boil the Parsley, putting a pinch of Soda in the water. Cook till quite soft. Bone the Anchovies, removing skin. Pass them and Parsley through a fine Sieve. Mix in the Butter, beat all together with a fork and serve on toast.”



  • The canned or jarred anchovies that the recipe requires no longer need boning or skinning.
  • Skip the baking soda.
  • A food processor can step up instead of the sieve and fork.