The online magazine
dedicated to the
discussion & revival
of British foodways.


Pate & artichoke butter

Artichokes nearly disappeared from English recipes in the second half of the twentieth century but featured repeatedly in earlier manuscripts and cookbooks. This is a nice combination of flavors that is particularly good with veal chops or chicken.

-4 oz (8 Tablespoons or 1 stick) unsalted butter
-2 oz (¼ cup) diced artichoke bottoms (canned are fine)
-2 oz (¼ cup) smooth textured pate or liver mousse
-1 teaspoon orange juice or ½ teaspoon lemon juice
-½ teaspoon white pepper
-salt to taste (you should not need much)

Bash everything in a food processor as usual.


- Smith calls for foie gras, but that seems extravagant and unnecessary. The Editor is sure it makes a good compound butter but cannot justify the expense. We have gone even farther downmarket than pate on occasion to use chopped chicken liver and the result is still tasty.

- Canned pate is perfectly acceptable for this recipe and of course good canned pate by itself is perfectly acceptable too.

- If you use canned artichokes be sure to drain and dry them. Purists rinse away their salt brine but that is affectation.

- Smith does not pulverize the artichoke bottoms with the other ingredients but folds the dice into the combined other ingredients. To do that you must ensure that your butter is soft or you will wind up pulverizing the artichokes anyway. We like them mashed into the butter.