The online magazine
dedicated to the
discussion & revival
of British foodways.


Steak with sherry cream

Sherry sauces are easy to make and marry well with beef, offal or shellfish. They are characteristically British and add spark to simple weeknight suppers because they are fast too. The deceptively simple recipe yields layers of flavor.

Roast4 steaks (filet, ribeyes or sirloin)
1 ½ cup dry to medium dry sherry (fino, amontillado)
2 Teaspoons Worcestershire
1 Tablespoon chopped parsley
1 Tablespoon minced chives
4 Tablespoons heavy cream

  1. Marinate the steaks for as long as you can in the sherry, Worcestershire and pepper.
  2. Drain the steaks, salt and pepper them generously, reserve the marinade and dry the steaks thoroughly or they will not brown.
  3. Fry the steaks in a heavy skillet over high heat and reserve them.
  4. Add the reserved marinade to the skillet and reduce by half.
  5. Reduce the heat to low, stir in the parsley, chives and cream, heat the sauce without letting it boil, and serve over the steaks.


- Mushrooms are almost essential, either served on the side or sliced and sautéed in butter before the steaks, reserved, and added to the sauce at step 5.