The online magazine
dedicated to the
discussion & revival
of British foodways.


A January Note from the Editor

Welcome to 2010. Avid readers will know that today we ordinarily would post a new monthly number. This month, however, we are working to improve the layout of our site, make it more accessible to readers and correct a number of technical teething problems that have arisen during our first quarter of publication.

Our publishing model anticipates posting ten numbers a year; in addition to January, we intend to use the dog days of August to make midcourse corrections and plan ahead rather than to issue a completely new number. In keeping with our fledgling traditions, however, we will post a number of supplemental features this month, including a review of two good books with our musings on Marxist historiography and the general quality of historical scholarship about food, along with additions to both the lyrical and the practical.

During February we will resume our customary schedule of new numbers each month with fortnightly supplements and random additional postings.

Next up, on 4 February, look for our first Elizabeth David number, with an additional note on foraging for mushrooms from our Education Correspondent, restaurant visits, an overdue appraisal of some bars, more book reviews, related recipes and other additions.