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dedicated to the
discussion & revival
of British foodways.


Sind Club ham in gin

Sind Club ham in gin from Jennifer Brennan’s Curries and Bugles. “Good ham,” Brennan explains, “was not often to be found in India” during the days of the Raj. This dish would have been a festive treat that always was served, in the English custom (one of Simon Hopkinson’s fine and homely cookbooks is called Gammon and Spinach) with boiled new potatoes and spinach.

Gin Cocktail Girl

  • a 5 lb smoked ham
  • about a dozen cloves
  • 1 cup gin
  • a peeled and halved onion
  • breadcrumbs to coat the ham

  1. Soak the ham for three hours, then throw away the water.
  2. Put the ham in a large pot with the cloves, gin and onion, cover it with water, slowly bring it to a boil then simmer for about 2 hours.
  3. Let the ham cool to room temperature in the liquor.

Preheat the oven to 400°

  1. Gently press the breadcrumbs into the ham and bake it until the crumb toasts lightly.
