The online magazine
dedicated to the
discussion & revival
of British foodways.


Poetic miscellany

Among many other things, advertising legend Rosser Reeves published poetry, including this apocalyptic number that appeared during the height (or depth) of the Cold War.




Some day, perhaps, some alien eye or eyes,
Blood red in cold and polished horny lids, Set in a chitinous face
Will sweep the arch of some dark, distant sky
And see a nova flare, A flick of light, no more.
A pinpoint on a photographic plate,
A foot-note in an alien chart of stars
Forgotten soon on miles of dusty shelves
Where alien beetles feed.
A meal for worms,
Sole epitaph
To mark the curious end of restless man,
Who for a second of galactic time
Floated upon a speck of cosmic dust
Around a minor sun.